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유익한 자료실

[스크랩] 간단한 생활영어 109가지



= What a pity!

= I'm sorry to hear that.

= It's a pity.

= What a shame!

= That's too bad.

= That's terrible.

= Too bad.

= It is much to be regretted.

= Oh no, what bad luck!



I have to leave now.

= I must be going now.

= I have to go now.

= It's time to say good -bye.

= I am sorry,but I should go now.

= I must take leave of you now.

= I must be off now.

= I must say goodbye now.

= I must be on my way now.

= I'm afraid I should run along.

= I really should be on my way.



May I help you?

= What can I do for you?

= Are you being helped?

= Is there anything you want?

= What can I do for you?

= Is there anything I can do for you?



What time is it?

= Do you have the time?

= Could you tell me the time?

= What time do you have?

= May I ask you the time?

= What o'clock is it?



Let's have lunch

= Won't you have lunch with me?

= How about having lunch with me?

= What do you say to having lunch with me?

= What do you think of having lunch with me?

= Shall we have lunch?

= Suppose we have lunch with me?


6.무슨일 있었니?

What's the trouble with you?

= What's up?

= What happened to you?

= What's wrong with you?

= What's the matter?

= Is there anything wrong with you?

= Is anything the matter?

= What's the problem?



May I ask you a favor?

= May I ask a favor of you?

= Will you do me a favor?

= Will you do a favor for me?

= Could you help me?

= Would you give me a hand?



Thank you very much.

= Thanks a lot.

= Many thanks.

= I'm very much thankful to you.

= I can't thank you enough.

= I appreciate your kindness.

= That's nice of you.

= I'm much obliged to you.


9.감사에 대한 응답

Don't mention it.

= You're welcome.

= Not at all.

= Any time.

= The pleasure is mine.



What's your occupation?

= What do you do for a living?

= What's your job?

= What kind of job do you have?


11.오랜만에 만난 사람에게 인사하기

Long time no see.

= I haven't seen you for a long time.

= I haven't seen you for ages.

= You're quite a stranger.

= It's a long time since I saw you last.


12.내 말 이해했나요?

Do you follow me?

= Are you with me?

= Have you got that?

= Do you understand?

= Do you get me?

= Do you catch me?



How much does it cost?

= How much is it?

= How much?

= What is the price?

= How much do I owe you?

= How much do they cost?

= How much do you charge for them?

= How much do I have to pay you?




= Calm down

= Take it easy

= Calm down a minute!

= Don't be so exited

= Don't lose your cool!

= Pull yourself together!



What's the special hair style you like?

= What hair style do you have in mind?

= How would you like to have your hair cut?

= Would you have your hair cut long or short?


16.머리가 만족스러운지 묻는말

How's that,sir?

= Does that look all right?

= How does that look,sir? I hope that's quite satisfactory.



Remember me to your parents

= Give my regards to your parents.

= Please my best wishes to your parents

= Please send your parents my best wishes.

= Say hello to your parents.


18.자동차 고장

My car is broken.

= My car won't start.

= My car is gone for repair.

= My car is out of order.

= Something is wrong with my car.



Are you serious?

= Really?

= Is it?

= Are you sure?

= Did I hear you right? You really mean it?


20.빈 자리를 물어볼때

Is this seat occupied?

= Is this seat taken?

= Is this seat being used?

= Are you using this seat?


21.상대방 말에 대한 동의

You said it.

= That's true.

= I couldn't agree more.

= Exactly.

= That's a good point.

= That's exactly what I think.

= You can say that again.

= You took the words right out of my mouth.

= You hit the nail right on the head.


22.상대방 옷에 대한 칭찬

That's a nice coat.

= That's nice coat you're wearing.

= What a nice coat it is!

= You look very nice coat it is!



May I take your order?

= Are you ready to order?

= What would you like to have?

= What will you have today?



You are kidding(me)!

= Are you pulling my leg?

= Come on!

= No kidding!



It is no business of yours.

= It is none of your business.

= It is no concern of yours.

= You have nothing to do with it.

= Mind your own business.

= It's not your affair.

= You don't have any say in the matter.



Mr.Smith,this is Mr.Kim.

= May I introduce Mr.Kim to you?

= I'd like to introduce Mr.Kim

= I want you to meet Mr.Kim

= Let me introduce Mr.Kim.



I am sorry I am a stranger here myself.

= I'm sorry I'm new(fresh)here.

= I"m sorry I've never been here before.

= I'm sorry this is my first time here.

= I'm sorry I'm not familiar with this area.



I'd like to see the menu,please.

= May I have a menu,please?

= Will you show me the menu,please?


29.바쁜 일정

I'm tied up.

= I'm completely busy.

= I've got no free time at all.

= My schedule is totally filled.


30.하루일을 끝내는 말

Let's call it a day.

= Let us leave off work.

= It is time to wind up today's work.

=Shal we stop today's work?



Don't forget to drop me a line.

= Please remember to write to me.

= Send a letter to me without fail.

= I'd like to hear from you soon.


32.하루 일을 쉴때

I have the day off from work today.

= I'm off duty.

= I stay away from work today.

=This is an off-day for me.


33.다시 물을때?

I beg your pardon?

= Pardon (me) ?

= Excuse me?

= Will you say that again?

= Could you repeat the last part?


34.한국에 대한 인상 물어보기

How do you like Korea?

= What is your impression of Korea?

= How does Korea strike you?

= How do you feel about Korea?



How do you spend your leisure time?

= What do you do when you have(free)time?

= What do you do in your spare time?

= What do you do for enjoyment?



Let me treat you.

= Let me take care of the bill.

= Let me settle the bill today.

= Be my guest.


37.전화 빌려쓰기

May I use your telephone?

= I wonder if I could use your telephone.

= If you don't mind, I'll use your telephone.

= Would you mind my using your telephone?


38.전화 걸어달라는 부탁

Please call me(up)this morning.

=Please ring me up this morning.

=Please give me a call this morning,

=Pleases give me a ring this morning.

=Please give me a ring this morning.

=Please phone me this morning.


39.전화 상에서 기다려 달라는 부탁

Just a moment,please.

= Hold the line,please.

= Hold on,please.

= Just a minute,please.

= Hang on,please.


40.화장실을 물어볼때?

Where can I wash my hands?

= Where is the rest room?

= Could you tell me where the washroom is?

= Will you show me where the toilet is ?


41.그것이 인생이다

That's life.

= That's not worrying about.

= Well,can't help that.

= The weather is beyond our control.

= There's nothing we can do about it.



How can I get to Washington Square?

= Please tell me the way to Washington Square?

= Will you show me the way to Washington Square?

= Could you tell me how to get to Washington Square?


43.상대방이 미안해 할 때 대답

No trouble at all.

= No problem.

= That's O.K.

= It's all right.

= Don't worry(about it)


44.통화가 안될 때

I can't get through.

= I can't reach my party.

= Nobody answered.

= The line is busy.


45.늦은 이유

What kept you late?

= What held you up?

= What delayed you?

= What made you so late?


46.식성이 까다롭다.

You're too particular about your food.

= I'm afraid you're being too fussy about your food.

=You're too difficult about your food.

=You always find fault with your food.


47.화를 진정 시킬때

Please don't get mad at him.

= Please don't be offended.

= Please don't get upset.

= Please don't lose your temper.


48.좋은 건강 상태

I'm fit as a fiddle.

= I'm feeling great.

= My health is wonderful.

= I'm in excellent condition.

= I couldn't be better.

= I'm feeling lean and mean.

= I'm in great shape.

= I'm feeling terrific.

= I'm physically fit.

= I'm ready to take on the world.

= I'm in top condition.



Bye bye.

= Bye.

= So long.

= See ya.

= Take it easy.

= Take care.

= I'll see you later.

= Good bye.

= Good day.

= Have a nice day.


50.다시 물어 볼때?


= What did you say?

= Huh?

= You said what?

= Say that again?

= Are you talking to me?

= Pardon me?

= Can you repeat yourself?

= I'm sorry,what?

= Excuse me, what did you say?

= Would you say that again?


51.불가능 할 때

It's out of the question.

= No way.

= Impossible.

= Not a chance.

= Zero chance.

= It's futile

= Not even a possibillity.

= Don't even think about it.

= Fat chance.

= It's hopeless.

= Forget it.



It's steaming hot.

= I'm burning up.

= It's boiling hot.

= I'm roasting.

= I could fry.

= It's scorching hot.

= It's sizzling hot.

= I'm melting.

= It is the dog days.



It doesn't matter.

= No problem.

= Don't worry.

= There's nothing to be concerned about.

= Who cares? = Don't even think about it.

= That's not a consideration.

= Don't let that stop you.

= That should't be an obstacle.

= That's okay.

= Nobody will mind.


54.시간이 어떠하냐에 대한 물음

Are you busy tomorrow night?

= Are you doing anything tomorrow night?

= What are you doing tomorrow night?

= What are you have planned for tomorrow night?


55.불가능한 일

Not in a million years

= No way

= Never

= Impossible

= Nonsense!

= Not a chance.

= Forget it

= Does the sun rise in the west?


56.반드시 대가가 따르는 법

There's always a price to pay

= Nothing is free

= Everything costs

= There's no free lunch.

= Everything has a price.

= All things require recompence.

= Nothing is without cost.


57.제대로 왔네요

You're in the right spot.

= You're in the right place.

= You're found the right place.

=You're found the place.

= This is what you're looking for.

= Look no further.


58.말도 안돼

What are you talking about?

= You crazy?

= Don't talk nonsense.

= That doesn't make sense.

= I can't believe that.

= Don't tell me that.



I'm fit as a fiddle

= I'm feeling great.

= My health is wonderful.

= I could't better.

= I'm in excellent condition.

= I'm in great shape.

= I'm feeling terrific.

= I'm phsically fit.

= I'm in top condition.


60.이미 한물간 노래다.

That song has had its day

= That song should be retired.

= That song is a has been.



We're in the black.

= We're turning a profit.

= We're making some money.

= We're in the money.



It's out of the question.

= No way.

= Zero chance.

= Not even a possibility.

= It's hopeless.

= It's futile.

= Fat chance.

= Don't even think think about it.



One more time?

= Again?

= You mean it?

= Are you serious?

= Are you sure?

= Do again?

=You're not kidding?

= Repeat again?

= Do you really mean that?

= Are you jogging?


64.정이 들었습니다.

I've grown fond of you.

= I've become attached to you.

= You're grown on me.

= I've developed an affinity for you.

= I've gotten used to you.


65.그냥 기다려

Just stay put.

= Stay where you are.

= Don't move.

= Hang in there.


66.신모델을 출시했다.

They brought out a new model.

= They came out with a new model.

= They released a new model.

= They developed a new model.

= They unveiled a new model.


67.예상대로 되지 않았어

It didn't go as planned

= It bombed.

= It didn't work out as well as expected.

= It was a flop.


68.수치스러운 일

It's a disgrace.

= It's an embarrassment.

= It's a shame.

= It's too bad.


69.전망이 불투명

The prospect is gloomy.

= The outlook is gloomy.

= The outlook is bleak.

=The future looks dim.


70.인터넷에 어떻게 접속합니까?

How do I get on the internet?

= How do I get on-line?

= How do I connect me to the Internet?



We're well into winter.

= The height of winter is upon us.

= We're deep into winter.

= It's the middle of winter.


72.새해 게획

What's your New Year's resolution?

= Have you made any vows for the new year?


73.심부름 부탁

Could you run an errand for me?

= Would you mind going on an errand for me?

= Could you do me a favor?

= Could you do something for me?


74.낙관적 표현

Look on the bright side of things.

= Cheer up.

= Keep your chin up.

= Be optimistic.

= Look up.



Don't underestimate me

= Don't underrate me.

= I'm not as I appear. I'm more than meets the eye.

= You don't know me very well.


76.요즘 세상 살 맛 안난다.

I have no life these days.

= Life is dull these days.

= I'm so bored these days.

= Time seems to go by so slowly.

= Nothing's new.



You're so absent-minded.

= You're so forgetful.

= How could you be so forgetful?


78.시력이 나빠지고 있다.

My eyes are falling.

= My vision is going bad.

= My eyesight is falling.

= My eyesight is deteriorating.



I'll wing it.

= I'm improvise.

= I'll ad-lib.

= I'll perform something impromptu.


80.아주 설렁해

It's so lame.

= It's so dull.

= It's so boring.


81.계획 실패

My plans went up in smoke.

= My plans fizzled out.

= My plans were cancelled.

= My plans ended up in smoke.

= My plans were scratched.


82.쉬운일이 아니야

It is no picnic.

= It isn't easy.

= It is difficult.

= It isn't a cakewalk.

= This isn't a piece of cake.



Don't make a mountain out of a molehill.

= Don't make a big deal out of it.

= Don't make a production of it.


84.그만 노려봐

Stop eyeballing me.

= Don't stare at me.

= Don't look at me like that.

= Don't ogle me.


85.대가를 치를거야

You're pay for this.

= I'll get you for this.

= I'll even the score.

= I'll get even with you.

= I'll seek my revenge on you.



He dropped the ball.

= He goofed.

= He made a mistake.

= He fouled up.


87.그게 뭐 중요해

What does it matter?

= It doesn't matter.

= It's all the same one way or another.

=It's six of one, half a dozen of the other.


88.춤을 춥시다

Let's take the floor.

= Let's dance.

= Let's hit the dance floor.


89.한잔 더 (술)

Let's go for another round somewhere else.

= Let's go bar-hopping.

= How about another drink some other place?


90.재수가 좋았을 뿐이야

That was just a fluke.

= That was just a coincidence.

= That was just sheer luck.



I was cooped up all day.

= I stayed in all day.

= I was locked up in my room all day.

= I was confined in my room all day.


92.은행 거래

Who do you bank with?

= Where do you have an account?

= Who do you have an account with?

= Which bank do you go to?


93.마른 하늘에 날벼락

It was a bolt from the blue.

= It was a bolt out of the blue.

= It was a bolt from a clear sky.

= Out of the clear blue sky.


94.어느 업종에 종사하십니까?

What line of business are you in?

= What line of work are you in?

= What line are you in?



Turn right.

= Make a right.

= Take a right.


96.문제 회피

Don't turn a blind eye to the problem.

= Don't shut your eyes to the preblem.

= Don't look the other way.

= Don't ignore the problem.


97.무리한 일

It's a tall order.

= It's a difficult task.

= It's an arduous chore.

= It requires much effort.

= It's a hard job.

= It's a pain.


98.양심에 걸립니다

It weighs on my conscience.

= I feel remorseful.

= I'm pricked by the pin of conscience.

= I feel the pang of conscience.



I was stunned.

= I was flabbergasted.

= I was beside myself.

= I was floored.


100.음식 좀 남겨둬요

Please save some for me.

= Please leave some for me.

= Please reserve some for me.


101.영어로 뭐라고 하죠?

How do you say that in English?

= What do you call that in English?

= What's the English word(words) for that?


102.일행이 있으십니까?

Are you expecting company?

= Are you waiting for anyone?

= Is anyone joining you?


103.아무 음식이나 잘먹읍니다

I'm easy to please.

= I'm not picky about food.

= I'm not fussy about food.


104.비행기 띄우지 마세요

Don't flatter me.

= You flatter me.

= Don't put me on.


105.꼴 좋구나

It serves you right.

= That'll teach you.

= You got what you deserved.

= You had it coming to you.


106.다른 디스켓으로 복사해 놓으세요

Copy it onto another disk of yours.

= Make a copy of it on another disk.

= Put it on another floppy of yours.


107.그 말 취소해

Take that back!

= Apologize.

= Withdraw your words.

= You went too far!

= Did I hear you right?


108.그는 느긋하다

He's easy-going.

= He's laid-back.

= Nothing rattles him.

= Nothing fazes him.


109.이중 인격자

He's two-faced.

= He's a Benedict Arnold.

= He's cunning(sly).

= He's a back-stabber.

= He's silver-tongued.

= He's the devil in disguise.



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